Part of your planning process may include community consultation for a variety of reasons. You may require consultation prior to public exhibition of your proposed project or you may want community-based ideas and visions incorporated into your project. Applied Ecology staff are very experienced in planning and then implementing effective community and other stakeholder consultation. We can organise workshops/forums, public meetings, expert panels, design educational material and create project based websites to meet your project’s consultation requirements. We genuinely enjoy the process of meeting and discussing projects with a wide variety of stakeholders and community members.Before commencing any project, Applied Ecology’s staff will compile a review of project constraints and values.

This enables us to develop a project design that is site/context sympathetic, providing the best possible ecological outcomes within your budget and meeting legislative requirements. Site/project constraints and values may include:
- Soils and geology (geotechnical surveys)
- Topography including channel bedform (topographic surveys)
- Surrounding land use, or intended land use for the site
- Threatened species and endangered communities
- Indigenous and non-indigenous heritage
- Treatment outcomes (modeled using MUSIC) and habitat development
- Legislative requirements
- Budget requirements