This major project was commissioned by the City of Prramatta to determine baseline fauna diversity in 14 disjunct bushland areas . Data was collected over 8 months using a methodology that is repeatable and suitable for quantitative analysis. 148 vertebrate species (excluding fish) were detected during the survey including:
  • 12 threatened species
  • 4 species listed under the Bonn convention and/or JAMBA/CAMBA/ROKAMBA
  • 15 exotic species
97 species of bird, 28 mammals, 7 amphibians, 16 reptiles and 1 species of Gastropoda – the threatened Dural Woodland Land Snail were recorded. This project illustrates that the City Of Parramatta Local Government Area provides habitat for threatened species and more common sedentary species and is important temporary habitat for seasonal migrants and locally nomadic species.
DURAL LAND SNAIL (Pommerhelix duralensis) – found in only a few locations in the Sydney basin this habitat specialist is endangered at a State and Federal level. Our staff were very excited to locate this species in several new locations within the bushland reserves of the City of Parramatta during this project.
Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) – several pairs of this threatened species are resident, and breeding successfully, in the larger bushland reserves within the LGA.
Found in many of the waterways in the bushland reserves of the City of Parramatta
Green Stream Frog (Litoria phyllochroa) Found in many of the waterways in the bushland reserves of the City of Parramatta
Rufous Fantail (Rhipidura rufifrons) – one of many seasonal migrants that arrive in Parramatta’s bushland reserves in Spring and leave in Autumn.